The Bartimaeus Blog 2022.8
Good day all. I hope you’re staying warm. I haven’t been on top of the local news, but based on what I’m seeing in my neighborhood it seems like we may have overreacted a bit to the fearcast. I am … Continue reading →
About Larry
Pastor here at Bartimaeus Baptist Temple. See my web site for more information than you really want.
Rejoice with us and pray with us. Cindy says her great niece is getting better. Keep praying as her healing will take time. Kenneth is thankful that things are working out well for him. Kimi is thankful for a ministry … Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. Debra rejoices in paying off all her bills and that we made it through the storm. Anita is thankful to have safely gotten to dialysis during the weather. Brenda said the same. Cathy … Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. Cindy enjoyed talking to Phil, Tim’s brother, yesterday. She enjoyed time with family. We are all expressing our joy in being together. Debra is thankful that she will be reimbursed for medical eXpenses. … Continue reading →
Blessings to you, loved ones. I sure am looking forward to being with you this Sunday! I’m so blessed that everyone wants to be together and to share in our Fifth Sunday Fellowship. This one’s going to be extra special. … Continue reading →