The Bartimaeus Blog 2024.18
I hope you are enjoying the Memorial Day weekend. Honestly, I have mixed feelings about the day off. On one hand I can use the time to catch up. On the other, as a contractor, I don’t get paid if … Continue reading →
About Larry
Pastor here at Bartimaeus Baptist Temple. See my web site for more information than you really want.
Rejoice with us and pray with us. I’m thankful I got paid. Debra is thankful for a quick resolution of a problem. Jim is thankful to still be working. Pris enjoyed seeing a fire station yesterday. We’re thankful to finally … Continue reading →
Does it seem to you like the world is falling apart around us? Throughout history, Christians have thought that they must surely be living in the end times. We have always lived in a fallen world, and it will be … Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. Debra got good results from her medical testing. Pris enjoyed time with family and got what she wanted for Mothers day. Don and Brenda enjoyed time with their daughters. Brenda enjoyed her gifts. … Continue reading →
Tomorrow, we will be celebrating Mothers Day. It’s not what we would call a religious holiday, but why not take every opportunity to honor our parents as God has instructed us to do? If you still can, Let your mom … Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. We’re glad Don is ok after a rough week. Debra got good reports from her appointments. Pris is thankful that she’ll be getting the treatment she needs. Jim is happy to still be … Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. I’m happy to be back on the job. Priscilla praises the Lord that her lost key was recovered. Her eyes are doing better. Brenda is thankful for answered prayer. She was hurting and … Continue reading →
Rejoice with us and pray with us. Leann is feeling much better and walking without equipment. She is hopeful about a job interview on Friday. It’s good to have Debra back with us. She enjoyed getting out even with the … Continue reading →
For the past few years, I have loosely followed the pattern that Pastor David established when he wrote the weekly blog posts. He would offer some commentary about what transpired the previous week and then tell us what he planned … Continue reading →