If you missed the service last week, go check out the Media page. We had a lively discussion during Sunday school as we discussed the reality that there is brokenness in all of us. In his message, Pastor David provided …Continue reading →
For the next six weeks, we will be covering this material produced by Lifechurch.tv and based on the book, When Helping Hurts: Alleviating Poverty Without Hurting the Poor. . .and Yourself by Brian Fikkert and Steve Corbett.
Here is the audio from the discussion surrounding the video. If you wish to experience the session as it happened, pause when prompted and watch the video.
Cathy is thankful to have some work done. Didi is thankful to be moved. Teresa is thankful that her brother brought her to church today. We are thankful for repairs in progress to the baptistry. Kelly prays for everything to …Continue reading →
For the next six weeks, we will be covering this material produced by Lifechurch.tv and based on the book, When Helping Hurts: Alleviating Poverty Without Hurting the Poor. . .and Yourself by Brian Fikkert and Steve Corbett.
Here is the audio portion of the class. Sorry for the missing minutes.
The goal: Transformation
“The Goal of this series is to equip the North American church with a ministry framework that restores the poor to fulfilling their God-given callings & potential.”
Q: What is Poverty?
*List 5-10 words that come to mind when you think of poverty. Watch the video, then scroll down for points to ponder.
Brokenness in the 4 Relationships can lead to behaviors & circumstances that contribute to poverty.
Broken Relationships:
With God
With Self
With Others
With Rest of Creation
Questions to ponder:
Q: How might thinking about this person’s poverty in terms of broken relationships change the way you interact with him/her?
Q: Are there NEW ways to show the love and healing work of Christ?
Cindy is thankful to have finished work on her house. Kelly has a better place to live. We’re delighted to have Didi back! She thanks everyone for praying for her. Cathy’s cousin is recovering well from back surgery. Cathy thanks …Continue reading →
Shelly praises God for opportunities and the people in her life. Jana thanks the Lord for family time and her nephew’s graduation. Cathy thanks God that her cousin Lois had a successful surgery. Cathy also delights in a relative’s graduation …Continue reading →
The rain just keeps on coming, but I’m thankful that it didn’t stop us from coming to church last Sunday. Linda encouraged us to find better ways to help each other and others in need and urged us to explore …Continue reading →
Kelly is visibly moving her legs better. Ruth’s doctor said her eye is better and she will not need shots. Little Kingston is doing better. Priscilla said the bleeding behind her eye has reduced substantially. She got some assistance with …Continue reading →
Jana thanks the Lord for a wonderful Mothers day and good things that happend to her daughter. Kim thanks the Lord for everyone’s safety during the storms. Several of us just expressed a joy that we can be here together. …Continue reading →