The Bartimaeus Blog 2025.2
We’ve had a bit of a rough start this year with so many being sick, including Linda and me. But I have great hope that tomorrow will find all of the faithful back together to honor our Lord. We choose … Continue reading →
Messages about upcoming sermons and events.
What a year it has been! It hasn’t turned out quite the way we might have hoped, but good things have happened. We stand firm in the conviction that Our mission remains. In anticipation of great things to come, we … Continue reading →
It was good to have all our regulars back last Sunday, and some beloved friends as well. Now let’s keep bringing them in! The stonework around the sidewalks was completed on Friday, and I’m told it looks very nice. I … Continue reading →
I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving celebration. Linda and I ended up spending a quiet day at home, and that was just fine with us. I am thankful just to have a little time to rest. Now, the Christmas season … Continue reading →
This week, I want to offer you some comfort and encouragement if I can. We’re all facing trials. Some, if not most, are simply the results of living in a fallen world. Accidents happen. We age. We get sick. Eventually, … Continue reading →