Sunday July 3, 2011
We are now in July and we almost half way through the year where is the time going. I hope you are having a great week and looking forward to a THREE DAY WEEKEND. I hope you will help us … Continue reading →
Messages about upcoming sermons and events.
I want to thank Larry and Linda for leading us this month in our mission of Evangelism. With a special thanks to our guest speakers Joe Thacker and Drew Dickins. It was very special they would come and share with … Continue reading →
I suppose you’ve all heard the news, Jesus is supposed to be coming back today! There are some problems with that. I’ll list just a couple. First of all, Jesus said that no one knows exactly when he will come … Continue reading →
What a wonderful time we had last Sunday! What better way to celebrate Resurrection Day than to have people dedicate themselves to Jesus? I can hardly wait to see what God will do next in our church. For the next … Continue reading →