Sunday November 28th
I hope you are having a great day and a great Thanksgiving. We all have so much to be thankfull for. Cod has blessed us in the past and as we talked about last week he wants to bless our … Continue reading →
Messages about upcoming sermons and events.
I’m sure Pastor David plans to deliver a Thanksgiving message this month, but I believe God is prompting me to do the same. Jesus often explained the same thing using different illustrations, and I think that’s what He wants to … Continue reading →
Good afternoon and welcome to the pastor Study at BBT. We had a great Sunday last week as Linda brought the Sunday School Lesson and Associate pastor Larry brought the message showing us who we are and that we as … Continue reading →
I’ll bet that even if you usually don’t read these, you opened up this one. I would have. That word “sinful” catches our eyes and we’re intrigued, even if we don’t know what we’re in for. Since it’s coming from … Continue reading →