Coming up for Sunday, July 29
Blessings to you, loved ones. Here’s what’s happening.
Last week was our first attempt at a little something new for Sunday school. I’m grateful to Priscilla for being willing to give it a try. We may not do the same thing every time. Priscilla may sometimes have something that she wants to share in a lesson and I know Linda enjoys getting to teach when she can. But I wont you to come to church expecting to give as well as receive.
Since we have so little time together and it’s hard to get everyone in for more activity during the week, we want to make the best use of the time we have. I want you to have an opportunity to share something that God has shown you throughout the week. Maybe it is something He brought to your attention during prayer time or while reading your Bible. Maybe it is a testimony of something He did for or through you. Maybe you have a question that someone else in the church can help answer. It may be a little rough until we hit our stride, but I hope you’ll stick with us and come ready to share.
We had quite a few folks missing. We missed having Edith with us as she was making preparations to be out of her house for the repairs she needs done. Pray also for Mrs. Fox. Priscilla said she didn’t come because she was sick. I called her earlier today but got her voicemail. I haven’t been in touch with Debra lately but she needs our prayers for her health challenges. Always remember Tim and the rest of the family. Keep Lisa especially in your prayers as she goes through the radiation treatments.
Last week I talked to you from the Gospel of Luke how Jesus looks beyond the seemingly obvious to the real needs that we have. When the paralyzed man was let down through the roof in front of Him, he did heal the man, but first he forgave his sin. Jesus knew that the biggest problem that man had is the same problem we all have. We need Him to take away our sin.
Next time we’ll look at another healing. This one is found in John 5:2-17. Again Jesus does something surprising. We might even think it was a little insensitive. He walks up to a man lying on a mat who had been sick for 38 years and says, “Do you want to get well?” This man is lying near a pool where people come in hopes of getting healed. Could the answer be more obvious? Apparently not, because Jesus asked the question. Again He is doing something much more profound here than a simple (for Him) healing. He is setting the stage for this man’s salvation, as well as that of all who believe in Him. I hope you’ll come and marvel with me at the masterful way Jesus does what He does.
We will not have Sunday school this week so that we will have enough time for the 5-th Sunday fellowship. We’ll also attend to a little church business as we begin our meal. Don’t miss out! I’ve shared with you before that when we have these meals together we are doing something more like what the early church did. When Paul gives his warnings in 1 Cor. 11, he was talking about a full blown meal, not the little ceremony we call communion or the Lord’s Supper today. So when we come together this way, let us keep his words in mind and treat each other accordingly. If you would like to contribute something, contact Cathy to see what we still need.
Be blessed to be a blessing, and I’ll see you on Sunday!