Blessings to you, loved ones. If you were there last Sunday, you’re probably wondering what we’re doing this coming week. As of this writing, we are meeting in person, but if things change between now and then I will make sure everyone gets the message. If work on the building is in progress that makes it a problem for us to meet in person, we will resort to a virtual service. As of now we are still waiting for the details to be finalized and work can’t start until we have approved any expense in a vote. Since it’s highly unlikely that there will be no expense to us, the work will probably not be underway.
Also Cathy has her hands full right now. Ruth is still unwell and requires a lot of attention. Keep both of them in prayer. It was great to have Priscilla and Kimi back with us. We have missed them. Pris was still in a lot of pain but she’s getting around.
Last week as I was praying, the Lord asked me a question, “Do you want to walk with me?” For a long time, I have been conscious that some of my entertainment choices are not healthy for me, but I have not been willing to give them up. I knew that I was putting things into my mind that are a corrupting influence, causing me to think in ways that are not pleasing to Him. It seems like a small thing, but because I knew that the Lord was not pleased, it became a barrier to our relationship. I could not go to Him with an open heart because I was holding something back.
That question would not leave my mind. Almost every time opened that book I was reading, I would hear it again. “Do you want to walk with me?” I’m being offered a choice. I can join my Heavenly Father to walk together in a deepening relationship, or I can run off to find my own cheap and temporal amusements. Why did it take me so long?
I choose Yahweh! I want to walk with him and talk with him the way I used to do with my earthly father growing up. I didn’t appreciate those times as much as I should have at the time, but now I remember them with fondness and gratitude. He’s calling to me just like that.
Remember the story of Adam and Even in the garden of Eden? After they had broken the one commandment He gave them, they heard the sound of His coming. The scripture doesn’t tell us, but we imagine this was a common occurrence. I imagine peaceful walks through the beauty of His creation, sharing the love and unity between them.
But this time was different. Immediately aware of their shame, they had already made a feeble attempt to cover themselves in fig leaves, and now they cowered in the trees as Yahweh called out, “Where are you?” The relationship has been broken. Where once there was love and unity with the Creator, now there is fear and shame. In body and soul they stand before him naked, but no longer unashamed. (Genesis 3:6-13)
That is what happens when we sin. That is what happens when we believe Satan’s lies, and choose to satisfy our own lusts. We replace the creator with the creation. We take the imitation instead of the real thing. True love is sacrificed on the altar of self. From the start we have been faithless, but He remains faithful. He knew from the beginning of time what would be necessary to redeem us. Jesus is the remedy.
Because of His sacrifice, we can still have that relationship that Adam threw away. He calls to each of us, “Do you want to walk with me?” Join me in saying, “YES!”
Love to you all.