It has been a tough week for our little congregation. Leann had her surgery, and Don spent some unplanned time in the hospital. Everyone’s going to be ok, but we’re all praying for a stretch of peace. Still, we choose to trust in God, knowing that this is all preparation for an eternity beyond our imagination. We worship the giver of all good things.
What is worship? That may seem like a childish question, but many of us may answer it differently depending on the traditions that are familiar to us. When we come to church, many people call that a worship service. So it should be. Whatever happens within the walls of our buildings should reflect reverence and service to our Lord. But worship is more than the songs we sing. It is more than the traditions we observe wherever they came from. Worship is a lifestyle. Worship comes from the heart. Worship flows out of the doors and into the streets, touching lives and offering hope.
Jesus said that “the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers.” (John 4:23) Why should a God who created everything and lacks nothing desire worship? He doesn’t need His ego stroked. He seeks it because he desires that we know Him. To know Him is to recognize who He is. As we come to know Him, we will worship Him because He is the only one worthy of worship. We offer it freely. We love him because He first loved us.
That worship will take the form of open expressions of praise and adoration. It will also take the form of service. We desire to please Him, so we treasure His word and obey His commandments, which are always for our own good.
I look forward to worshiping with you tomorrow. It is extra special when we do it together. Please join us.