Do you know Jesus? Yes, I’m writing on a church blog read primarily by church people, so what kind of question is that? If asked, I think every one of us would reply in the affirmative. From what I have seen, I’m reasonably certain that those of you I know well would be right to do so. I see the fruit in your lives.
But what do we mean by that question? “Know” covers a lot of territory as we use the word. In casual conversation we might say that we know someone that we’ve never even met in person, but that’s a very superficial knowledge. Some bible translations use the word to describe the most intimate of relationships.
None of us have met Jesus in person, so what do we mean when we talk about knowing Him? How is it that any of us can say that we do? It is by the gift of His Holy Spirit and the power of His word. As we recognize His lordship and seek to obey, we become more aware of who He is and of the depth of His love.
The Word speaks plainly that a mark of those who know Him is obedience. The apostle John tells us that if we say that we know Him and yet do not keep His commands, we are liars. We will all fall short. We will all miss the mark. That’s why Jesus stands as our advocate, having paid the price for our sin with His own blood. But we cannot live a life of willful sin and claim to be His. Join us this Sunday as we consider His word from 1 John 2:1-6.