I’m so excited! We’re coming back! It has been two months since we met in person. Going virtual was the right thing to do, but it will be good to worship together again.
The state-wide mask mandate has been lifted, but it won’t be official until Wednesday. Even then, all that means is that we are free to choose without government coercion what measures we feel are necessary to protect ourselves and others. I’m asking that everyone continue to wear masks and observe social distancing as a courtesy to those who may not be comfortable dropping their guard just yet. The virus is still with us and still a danger.
This is just one situation where we need to make good choices, and that is what i want to talk about on Sunday. We like choices, and we’ve never had more of them. We vehemently defend our right to choose, even if the choices we want to make are bad ones. It is actually very important that we have that ability. God built it into us so that we could choose Him.
So how do we make good decisions? God’s word has some wisdom for us on that subject. Let’s find it! We’ll start with Proverbs 16:1-3.
Keep on praying for each other and encouraging each other. Cathy reports that Ruth’s cancer is only within the breasts and they hope to be able to remove it all with surgery. We learned that Kay is in hospital apparently due to a problem with her heart. I talked to Shelly and she says they are doing well. Everyone I connected with sounded ready to be together again.
I look forward to seeing you all on Sunday.
Love y’all!