Blessings to you, loved ones. My prayer for you this week is for a new revelation of God’s mercy and love. Don’t be the last to know what’s going on at BBT. Keep reading.
It was good to see some folks back with us that we have been missing. We miss all of you when you’re not with us. Don and Brenda did get in touch with Anita. She is alright but has not been feeling well. Keep Kimi in your prayers. I misunderstood where she was in the process last wee, but she did see a doctor and hopefully more tests will be done soon to identify the scope of the problem. Our prayer is that by the time that gets done there’s nothing to see and the power our God is revealed to all involved. I was encouraged to hear Priscilla speak in the midst of this, affirming trust in God and encouraging us all from the scriptures as she so often does.
Last Sunday, I shared from the story of Jesus’s interaction with the man we know as the “rich young ruler.” In Mark’s gospel, the narrative ends with this statement, “But many who are first will be last, and the last, first.” (10:31) But Matthew adds more. The same phrase is found in Matthew 19:30, and Chapter 20 begins with the parable of the vineyard owner who keeps going out and recruiting more workers, then settles with all of them at the end of the day in a way that makes some of them upset.
Jesus begins by saying, “the kingdom of heaven is like…” This opening is found in many of the parables recorded by Matthew where He taught key principles of God’s kingdom. Verse 16 of Chapter 20 repeats 19:30. Jesus is further illustrating the same point we explored last week. So let’s look at it from this new angle and see what else we learn. Our text is from Matthew 20:1-16.
Come join us and bring someone with you!
Love y’all,