Hello loved ones. Blessings to you from the Lord of life. Keep reading to find out what’s happening in this little church serving a big God.
We missed our bus riders last Sunday because Priscilla and Kimi were both home sick with bronchitis. Keep praying for a speedy recovery and for an end to this string of illnesses they’ve been experiencing. It was good to see Teresa again. We had a little fun in Sunday School with some Bible trivia flash cards that Linda sent along. I thought I might get some ideas of topics to cover from it, but y’all proved to know your Bibles pretty well. That’s encouraging to me. I know most of us have been in church a while, but sadly that doesn’t always mean as much as it should. I spoke on the importance of our words and how we use them. It was a short one, so if you missed it check out the podcast.
On Monday we found out that Tim had a seizure after going home Sunday night. As you may have seen in the prayer requests, he checked out ok and they sent him home on Monday morning. I talked to Cindy tonight and she said he’s getting back to normal except that he is having trouble with peripheral vision and has now picked up a respiratory bug. Keep lifting him in prayer.
This Sunday is what we call Palm Sunday. It marks the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem amid worshiping crowds, waiving palm branches IN salute of the one they probably imagined was about to topple the Roman rulers and restore Israel to its former glory. He would indeed be their deliverer, but not in the way they expected. How things would change in that city in just a few days!
This gran appearance is chronicled by all four of the gospel authors, but with varying degrees of detail. Examining each account reveals something new about the events surrounding this bold and provocative act of Jesus. It becomes clear that He knew exactly what he was doing, what it meant, and what it would set in motion. For the sake of time and because we’ve recently studied one of the events it mentions, we’ll read the shorter of these accounts from John 12:12-19. As background you may wish to read from Matthew 21:1-11, Mark 11:1-11, and Luke 19:28-44.
I’ll see you Sunday, ready to rejoice as we remember what our God has done for us. Come on in and bring a friend!
Love you all,