Joy to you, loved ones. You are a joy to me. Stay tuned for the BBT news.
We had a good time together last Sunday. I liked what happened with Sunday school. The subject wasn’t fun, but we were able to do something that should be part of the ministry of any church. It was very personal for our membership so I did not post a podcast episode for it. The message is up though if you missed it.
Priscilla was not with us because she was with family gathered around David’s sister’s husband Bill, who had been in a serious car accident. Bill passed away this week. Please keep the family in your prayers.
I had a hard time coming up with a topic for our next meeting, so I opened my journal and started writing down my thoughts. I write in the form of a letter to the Lord, and I find that He often uses the process to guide me.
My question in short was, “What do You want me to say?” I went through our seemingly ever growing catalog of needs and disappointments. I thought about so many of you, what you’re going through and what I should or should not be doing to help.
I often speak of love and the value of relationships, but I’m actually not that good at them. “Lord, you really want me to be a pastor?” People kind of scare me. That is when He dropped these verses into my mind. If He had used words, they’d have been something like this, taken right from His word. “I did not give you a spirit of timidity! Go and do what I have given you to do!”
This is a message for all of us. We have all been given talents and personalities that uniquely prepare us for the mission He has in mind. It may be a little scary, but as His child, you have the Spirit of the almighty God living in you! He has no fear!
We will read from 2 Timothy 1:5-12. Come, be encouraged, and go out to conquer your fear! Accomplish God’s purpose for your life!
Love y’all!