Blessings to you, loved ones. Here’s what’s happening this week.
We had a great time Last Sunday in our fellowship, Yeah, I’ll still use the “spiritual” word because I was raised in the church and that’s just how we talk. For the rest of you out there, we had a nice meal together after the service. I love these times together because as I shared with you in the message I believe those times are more like what the early church did when they had the “Lord’s Supper.” Again, a big thanks to everyone who makes it happen!
Speaking of that message, I’m so disappointed that we didn’t capture it because some were not able to hear it. I want it to inform how our church practices both the ceremony and our meals together in the future and I addressed a question that came up a few weeks ago. Sadly I forgot to turn on the recorder and when I hit the control to start the Facebook live video it didn’t start and I didn’t realize it. So no record was made at all. I may adapt and post something here that I wrote a few years back so that you can understand where I am coming from if you want to know.
We’ll have that communion service this week as we have begun doing every other first Sunday. That’s important to who we are and it isn’t changing. We will deny it to no one, but it is offered to those for whom it has meaning, who have made Jesus Lord and wish to remember through this ceremony what He did for us.
This week’s message will come from the Proverbs again. I don’t know how often we’ll come back here. In fact I think the Lord is leading me in a different direction for the next few weeks, but as promised we’ll return from time to time for a little more wisdom from this amazing collection.
We’ll pick up with Proverbs 1:8-19. The passage seems more fitting for a Sunday School class in a youth detention center than for a message to our congregation. I almost put it aside for some other time when I was really desperate for something to say. But there are truths to be drawn from it that can inform all of our conduct, so let’s look at it together.
I got a call from Priscilla this morning that she was not feeling well at all and probably would not make it to church tomorrow. Continue to pray for her and her family as this is a trying time for all. Pray for this church. I hope you all know how important you are to its life. It takes every one of us working by the leading of the Holy Spirit to keep it going. There is much work yet to be done and we are short of workers. As Jesus once said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.” (Matthew 9:37-38)
Love y’all! See you tomorrow!