Blessings to you, loved ones. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We have been given so much. We are blessed to live in a country that still sets aside a day meant for giving thanks to God. I realized late last night that I didn’t publish this week’s update, so here I am on Sunday morning. Good thing our church services are in the afternoon! 🙂
While we’re on the topic of giving thanks, thanks to Gigi Firth, a member of the Dallas Christian Fellowship of the Blind that meets in our building every 4th Saturday, for her donation of braille paper and binders for use in preparing braille transcriptions of the overheads that we hand out to those who want them. It is something I am thrilled that we are able to do because I always wished churches I attended could do it for me.
It was good to see most everyone back last week and I hope you were encouraged by what Linda and I had to share with you. We serve a good God who loves us more than we can no. Hold on to this when circumstances don’t seem to fit.
Today I am going back to Romans 13:8-14. Paul is wrapping up the themes he has been developing for the last several chapters and it didn’t seem right to move away from without looking into these next few verses. I can sum it up in a word, “love!”
I would love to see you there!