Blessings to you, loved ones. Here’s your waterlogged weekly update!
We thank god for the rain, and I thank God for all of you! Seeing you all at church brings me joy and hope for our future. Last week, Linda sent along her Sunday school lesson about how we can do all things through Christ and how we should focus on what is good. I share the importance of making the best of whatever god has entrusted to you. But the best thing about last week was that you were there! If you are reading this and you were not there, come this Sunday and make it even better!
I got a call this week from someone who would like to join us if we can get her there. She found us on Facebook! That is also encouraging as it means our name and what we do is becoming known beyond our small circle. I just hope we can do it as we are stretch so thing now. Pray for more workers!
If you saw our prayer request earlier in the week you know that Kimi needs your prayers right now. I asked Priscilla about her yesterday and she said her leg is still pretty bad. The pain was so severe that Pris took her to the emergency room and she has had to stay in bed since.
This Sunday, I want to talk to you about one of the most powerful books in the bible for helping us with day to day living. It is the book of Proverbs. I probably wouldn’t finish with it if I preached from it every Sunday for the next 50 years, but every so often I will come back and take us through a little more of it because it has so much to teach us. To show you what I mean, we’ll read the introduction found in Proverbs 1:1-7. I hope you’ll come away wiht a new appreciation for this amazing collection of wisdom and spend more time reading it for yourself and thinking about what it says.
The following Sunday will be our 5th Sunday fellowship, so check with Cathy about what we still need. I believe there will be a sign-up sheet in the back Fourier. This is your opportunity to bring someone new and be sure they have time to get acquainted. I think I will be talking on that day about why these times are so important for us.
I love you and can’t wait to see you tomorrow!