Blessings to you, beloved family and friends of BBT. Here’s your weekly update.
Last Sunday, we held a memorial service for Pastor David. We have never had so many people in that little building. It was a joy to see how many turned out to honor his memory. We are very sorry that some of you had to sit in the fellowship hall and had trouble hearing, especially with the sound system issues we had. The recording quality is not much of an improvement, but you should be able to hear what was said by listening to our podcast. I also regret that I didn’t get the time to speak with many of you, as my wife and I were focused on getting out to catch our DART paratransit ride. I hope you’ll come back and join us sometime for our regular services. I know Pastor David would be thrilled if you did.
This week we’ll return you to your regularly scheduled programming. We’ll have the Sunday School, and I will bring the message. Sunday before last, I shared with you from the story of Nehemiah. The city of Jerusalem was destroyed, but Nehemiah had the confidence to come in and lead the rebuilding of the city. He knew he had the authority of the king, and the authority of the King of kings. We have that authority too, and with His blessing we will restore that which has been lost.
Now I want to encourage you from a different perspective. We’ll read from Mark 12:41-44. This is the story of the poor widow who gave all that she had into the temple treasury. Jesus said that she gave more than all of the rich people who were giving at the same time. She had almost nothing, but she gave it all, and it was priceless to God.
This is not a message about money, though money certainly figures into it. This is a message about giving whatever little you have to the service of the Lord, and the value He places on that gift. We don’t have much, but when we give it willingly, we delight our Lord and open the way for His blessing.
Do remmeber the Whitmore family in your prayers. Now is the time when your love and support can be most helpful. The flurry of activity is coming to an end. Everyone is going back to life as they know it, but that life has changed for this family. When you think of one of them, take a moment for a quick call or a brief note of encouragement.
Keep the Terrell family in your prayeres as well. It was good to see that Tim was able to make it to the memorial service. He continues to improve and I fully expect to one day hear him giving glory to god for an amazing recovery.
Remember Lisa as she prepares to have surgery to remove the cancer. Pray for those who depend on her as well. We serve the creator of the universe who loves and cares for us. We pray for a miracle.
There are many other ongoing concerns that you can find by visiting our prayer request page. Pray for each other and be God’s ansewr to prayer this week!
See you Sunday!