Blessings to you, loved ones. Here’s your weekly update.
We got the van back, so Priscilla was able to make our usual rounds last week. I know Kelvin was eager to rejoin us so praise the Lord we were able to pick him up. I thought John would come too, but they said ye didn’t want to get up. He seemed in good spirits when I saw him last week so I don’t know what might be going on with him. Keep him in your prayers. Cindy says her family is doing better. Tim is back on the move toward recovery. Maybe soon we can have all of us together at the same time.
we also welcomed back Sarah and her husband Nick who were in town for the week. I appreciated hearing Priscilla share from her heart as always and remind us that whatever we’re going through we should stay faithful and trust the Lord. I talked about ways we can know we’re being used by God and avoid being used by Satan.
While I was studying for that message, I read something from the Bible that struck me in a new way. It’s amazing how God’s word does that. No matter how many times you read it, the Holy Spirit can always show you something you have never seen before. This Sunday, we’ll read 2 peter 1:2-11. Peter begins this letter with a remarkable blueprint for the Christian life. Then he says in verse 10, “as long as you practice these things, you will never stumble.” What a statement! That tells me we would do well to understand and put into practice what he has just written. Let’s explore it together!
Linda will provide the lesson for the Sunday school time. I know you will be blessed. Don’t miss out! See you Sunday.
Love y’all,