Tomorrow, we will be celebrating Mothers Day. It’s not what we would call a religious holiday, but why not take every opportunity to honor our parents as God has instructed us to do? If you still can, Let your mom know how much you love and appreciate her. If not, honor her by showing love to someone else who needs it.
Sometimes being a parent involves making some hard choices. I’m sure that many scenarios fill your mind as you read that. Imagine the choice that Moses’ mother had to make. If abortion had been a thing back in ancient Egypt, the Hebrews would have ben forced into the clinics much as Chinese women were up until a few years ago before China lifted its one child policy. As it was, the Pharaoh first instructed the midwives to kill the male babies, and when they refused, commanded his people to throw the baby boys into the Nile river.
This was the state of things when Moses was born. The easy thing would have been to do as the king commanded. How much easier it would have been if she never had to even see the baby. But she delivered the baby, and then acted to preserve his life, thus endangering her own. Having hidden him as long as she could, she put him in a basket and set him down at the edge of the river. Doubtless, she hoped against hope that something like what happened would happen, though she might not have anticipated who would end of taking the child in, Pharaoh’s own daughter.
Her act of defiance in refusing to kill her own child set in motion a chain of events that would eventually lead to freedom for her people. And, not just her people, but in time all who call upon the name of Yahweh. We find out who she is in Exodus, Chapter 6, but her name is not used in the story of the event chronicled in Exodus 2:1-10. Yet, this mom changed the world!
I hope you will be encouraged by her story. When things seem bleak, keep doing the right thing. Keep doing the best you can. Trust that God can do amazing things with just a little faith.