Blessings friends and family of BBT. I pray this finds you well and fully engaged in the ministry that God has called you to. We do all have one.
Last Sunday we had a small crowd. If you weren’t able to make it do check out the podcasts. Linda continued her lesson on transforming ourselves and our guest Might Justice taught us to see Jesus for who he really is and put our trust in Him.
Next week, Debra is going to share with us during the Sunday school time her story and the things God has put on her heart. This is something we hope to see more of. Each of us should be continually growing and learning, sharing what we learn for the good of the whole body. I’m looking forward to hearing from her.
My text will be from 2 Samuel, chapter 24. Last week I was looking through my old blog entries and found something I wrote about it several hears ago. Since then I have not been able to get it out of my mind. It’s a troubling story and one I’d really rather not address at any greater depth. Yet every time I ask the Lord what I should speak on, I keep coming back to that chapter.
So there we will go, and we’ll answer as best we can the mysteries it contains. Along the way we’ll learn some valuable lessons about the nature of God and man, the consequences of sin at a personal and national level, and the willingness of God to forgive if we will only ask. Come join us!
I spoke with Pastor David on Sunday morning. He was hoping to be back starting next month. I know we’ll all be glad to have him back. Keep praying for him and for all of those who have made requests. And don’t forget, God just might plan for you to be an answer to prayer yourself. Like Linda shared with us, be still and listen for His voice.
With His love,