It already seems to me the year is moving fast. Valentine’s day will be on Wednesday. Our outreach on March 16 will be here before you know it. I’m excited to see what God will do.
This Sunday, we’re in John 18:1-11. After concluding His prayer, Jesus brings His disciples to the Garden of Gethsemane. Judas knows the place, because they often met there. John gives us some detail about what happened there that the other writers do not, while omitting things they had already recorded. It is difficult to reconstruct the exact sequence of events after Judas arrives on the scene, but John records something remarkable.
Jesus, knowing why they were there, went out to meet them. It seems as if He wanted to give anyone in that company who would take it the opportunity to repent of what they were about to do. He gave them a dramatic demonstration of His power. He asks them, “Whom do you seek?” They reply, ““Jesus the Nazarene.” Jesus then replied, literally translated, “I AM.” At this word “they drew back and fell to the ground.” (v. 6)
The Roman soldiers probably thought they were arresting a common criminal or a Jewish rebel. The religious leaders thought they were removing a threat to their power. Jesus asked the question that reverberates through out the ages. Whom do you seek? His answer is the only one that matters. “I AM!” His authority, His power, His mercy and His love are all in those words. Really, one Word, and He, by submitting Himself to all that they would do to Him, would ultimately triumph over death.
The world is still trying to destroy Him. False religions try to diminish His deity. Others pretend He never existed at all. But His truth remains. His word abides forever. Still others are seeking a false god, made in their own image. They may call him Jesus, but He bears little resemblance to the risen Lord. Whom do you seek?