This week’s message comes from the Gospel of John chapter 17 vs 6-19. This is a prayer that Jesus has for the Disciples. It is an important because our christian life is about prayer and communicating with God. Jesus calls on God right in front of them and he identifies himself with God. Then he talks about how we are IN the world but not OF the world. That is what we will talk about on Sunday. I hope you will make plans to be in church on Sunday because I need to be with your fellowship.
Keep praying for Chuck and Sarah as they battle everyday to keep their heads above water. I believe God has great things for us in the very near future and I want you to be part of what God is doing in this Country and this Community. Be sure and check out all the prayer request every week and add them to your prayer list. Lets keep the Evangelism of our God a high priority and lets keep doing good things for the people we meet. Me and Pris love you all very much and we cant wait to see you again, till then our prayer is that God will shine his face on you and pour out blessings that will blow you away. We will see you Sunday!!!
Pastor David and Pris.