This week Joel and his group are going to provide the music for our Easter service and I will bring the message. I am looking forward to a good group in church and I an excited about the word God has given me. The Scripture verse is the Gospel of John chapter 21 verses 1-11. You will be familiar with these verses as it is really the story of Easter. I want to know what do you think Easter is all about? The word for Sunday will be LIFE. we will look at what it means to have a Easter heart and what kind of church we are. I hope you will be in church Sunday and I hope you will bring someone with you. You will never know if someone will take you up on your offer till you ask, you may be surprised.
Keep praying for those that are suffering physically, financially, emotionally and spiritually. I cant think or a better way to lift your spirits then to hear Joel and his faithful members lift up the praises of our Lord as we share in the experience of celebrating the fact that Christ is alive and because he is we can have everlasting life. Let me leave this prayer for you from Numbers 6:24
“May the Lord bless you and keep you; may the Lord cause his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; may the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and grant you peace.”
Do good things for the people you meet and we will see you EASTER!!!!
Pastor David & Pris