It is good to talk to you again and I hope you and all your family are doing well. We had a great Sunday last week as Joel and his group were back after several months. Joel brought some new guest with him and we have some new friends now. The Praise and Worship was amazing and inspirational and Joel message of hope and what a blessing is, is just what we needed to hear. He reminded us we are blessed ever day and we need to live our lives like nothings broken, nothings missing. No matter what is going on in our lives we need to adapt that message to our lives. I can’t wait till they are back!
We have such a full schedule this month and I want to start off the month of December with a message of peace. Seems like it is something we all want but have too little of. The scripture versus this week are found in Isaiah then11Th Chapter versus 1-10. This is a season we talk about peace, and although we do not seem to have much peace right now, the promise is one day when the Prince of Peace comes we will have real peace. A peace that passes all understanding. Till that time it is up to us as Christians to make as much Peace as we can. That may sound like pie in the sky dreaming but I think, no let me restate that, I KNOW we can bring peace in our little corner of the world if we really want to. When was the last time you were a peacemaker in your family or with your friends. When was the last time you stood up and put yourself out on a limb in the name of making peace. It may mean you will have to swallow your pride but isn’t it worth it to make peace. I hope you feel like it is because if not us then who?
Larry will be giving the message next week and the “Senior Moments” will be here also. The 19TH will be our Christmas Party put on by Heights Church and I am excited about seeing them again. I hope you are as well.
Keep prayinf for those who need our prayers especially for Chuck and Sarah as Chuck is going in on Tuesday to have brain surgery, hopefully to remove the tumor on the stem of his brain. Keep claiming a miracle for this family and keep them and others in your prayers daily. Don’t forget how important it is the have a smile and have a kind word for the people you meet this week. I can’t think of a better way to bring peace in your life as well as others. We hope to see you on Sunday and remember as much as we love you God loves you more!
Pastor David & Pris