Good afternoon or evening, depending when you are reading this, to all the faithful followers of BBT. I want to thank you so much for all your prayers. I feel much better and anxious to get back to see what God has for me to do. I really appreciate Larry and Linda stepping in on such short notice. i also appreciate Pris and my son Josh and his wife Jeri for driving the bus on Sunday. I hope you were able to be part of the worship last Sunday and will be back this week!
As Larry mention last week this was a hard week for our family as we lost a close brother and good friend in Mike Accidental. We had his service on Thursday the 7Th and the church was overflowing. We will miss him and we will have to trust God that we can get over this lost. I am sure everyone will agree we are better off today because we knew Mike and his family and they were part of our family.
As I was thinking about the sermon for this week I have been reading the book of Luke over the last few weeks and if you notice I have been using Luke for my sermons each week. Why stop now, we are not through. As I was thinking last week what to say to Mike’s family to help them in their grief it struck me that the best thing i can do for them is to give them HOPE. I wanted them to know that they could count on God. So this week we are going to be in Luke the 18Th Chapter starting in vs 1 through vs 8. This is the parable of the unjust judge and the widow. I hope you will read these versus before Sunday and I am going to show you what God has shown me in these versus and what we can count on God for. What is it that you count on him for today? There are many things in life that we cannot count on but there are things about God that we can rest assured that we can count on him for. I hope you will be in Church on Sunday , if not with us , somewhere that you can hear the word of God preached and feel the Holy Spirit move in your life.
I ask that you will continue to pray for the sick. As you will learn Sunday, you can count on God to hear your prayers. I also what us to be people of action. Lets not waste another day worrying about what lies ahead. We can do good things for people in spite of our own circumstances and God will continue to bless us. That is another thing we can count on God for. We love all of you and we are excited to be with you again on Sunday. May God bless you in everything you do and say.
Pastor David & Pris