I hope you are having a great day and a great Thanksgiving. We all have so much to be thankfull for. Cod has blessed us in the past and as we talked about last week he wants to bless our future. We must trust God to have the very best for us and regardless of our circumstances we know that our ways will be blessed. We were blessed last week with a great Thanksgiving dinner after our service. We appreciate everyone who helped prepare the meal.
This week Joel and his group will be back after taking the summer off. I am so excited to see them again. I hope you will be there for the reunion.
Ruth is doing very well after her surgery on Tuesday. She ask that we continue to pray for her.
We have several events scheduled for the upcoming month. Chuck Cagle and the “Senior Moments” will be with us on the 12Th and Heights church will have a Christmas party for us again this year on the 19Th. They will not be able to provide gifts this year but they still want to have the party for us. I really appreciate all they have done for us. I hope we can be this type of church and we can help other like they have.
I hope to see you on Sunday and lets celebrate all our blessings together. Keep passing on those blessins and we will see you this weekend. Again have a safe and blessed Thanksgiving.
Pastor David & Pris