What a great time we had last week. We celebrated our homecoming and 52 years of this blessed ministry. There was a lot of old friends and new faces. Pris moved us with her Sunday School lesson and Jay Gibson inspired us with his message. Jay has been with us on many of our homecoming celebrations and it is always a honor to have him come and share with us what God has laid on his heart. OH yea, there was a terrific meal afterwards as well. I hope this will be a building block to bigger and better things at Bartimaeus. If you were not there you can hear the Sunday School lesson and the message on our website and I am sure there will be some Photos in the gallery very soon.
This week I am going to be preaching from Luke 16: 1-13. This is the parable of the unjust stewart. IT can be very confussing when you read this because it seems to show that Jesus was condoning what the unjust steward was doing. We need to talk about that. Read the scripture several times and see what God gives you on this. I have some ideas but maybe God will show you something as well. We will be back to our normal start time again this week of 2:30.
Remember to keep praying for those who need our help. Say a special prayer for Sandra Hart this week as she is having surgery. Remember Mike as he continues to go through Chemotherapy. We are looking forward to seeing you on Sunday and invite someone to come with you. Keeping doing the good things that separate us from everyone else, and expect to receive a blessing this week. God bless you and keep you and we will see you Sunday!
Pastor David & Pris