Good Afternoon faithful followers of BBT. I hope you are having a great day and a great week. I am very excited about this coming Sunday as the group from Heights Church are coming out on Sunday morning to do a “Spring clean up” on the church both inside and out. There will be flowers planted and shelves built and no telling what else. They are bringing the young people by buses and they will be gone by the time we get there but we will see their handiwork. I hope you will make plans to be there to help us celebrate.
Last week was Summitt week and as usual the Lord really moved. I hate to see so many people miss out on the blessings that are poured out by not being there, but I am convinced that the ones there are the ones that were suppose to be there.
This week we are getting back into our Bible study and Pam is going to lead us this week. I know she is going to do a great Job! I hope you are reading the scriptures for each day then on Sunday we can discuss and understand the scripture we have gone over. If you get too far behind you will need to double up, or in some cases triple up, on the versus for the week. This matters to God so it should matter to you as well. We will have a guest this week by the name of Candy who will share her testimony with us. She is a friend of Sandy and I am told she has a marvelous testimony. I am going to be preaching, still in the book of John, Chapter 10: 22-30. We are going to be talking about “what do we really see”. I think it is very important that we understand what we see and maybe get a new perspective on what we are actually looking at. In these scriptures the Jews were looking at Jesus but they did not see him, at least they did not see who he really was. What we actually see is effected by what we are looking for. We will overlook what is right in front of us because we are looking for something diffrent. We are also going to be talking about color blindness but I promise you it is not what you think I am talking about. I hope you will be there Sunday to bring in the month of May and I hope you will invite someone to come along with you.
Please keep praying for this ministry and lets keep praying for each other because we are family and what is more important then family. Please do your best in your Bible reading and share with others what God has given you. May God bless you and keep you safe. Know that we Love you and can’t wait to see you on Sunday.
Pastor David & Pris