Good morning faithful followers of BBT. I am having a great week and I hope you are also. I have been listing my blessing for the last 3 days and I find it hard to just do 3 per day. Many of our blessings are “everyday” blessings, Like waking up in our right minds, the fact we have a job, a family, food to eat, etc. These are things that don’t really change on a daily basis or at least we hope they don’t. But what about those “special” blessing that you received this week, something that was unique for that day. These “special” blessings are just for you and they are the ones that we remember. We seem to take our “everyday” blessing for granite but these “special’ blessings we pay attention to. I pray that we will start seeing our “everyday” blessings” as just as miraculous as the ” special” blessings and I pray that there will be more and more of the “special’ blessings. I believe when we start thanking God for the “everyday” blessings we will see more of the “special” blessings in our lives. Starting on Thursday we are suppose to be praying for others. As you are praying this week ask God to bring someone to your mind and then ask God to bless that person. We can make a difference in somebody’s life and we may never know it, but God knows.
This weeks sermon is about our bedrock faith. No it has nothing to do with the Flintstones. The scripture is found in Mark the 13Th Chapter and verses 1-8. Do you ever make predictions? Some prediction’s are easy to make for instance if you drive while drunk you will eventually have an accident. But many of the predictions we make are just something we are guessing about or maybe hoping for. This is not the case with Jesus. He knew the future and if he said something was going to happen you can bet it would. In this scripture he catches the disciples by suprise when he talks about the Temple being destroyed. What was Jesus trying to show the disciples by this strange prediction and what does it mean for us. I hope we will have a better understanding about what is needed to have rock solid, bedrock faith after we look more closely at these scriptures. In the mean time I predict that God is going to bless you this week and I don’t have to be a “Houdini” to predict that. This is an easy one because God loves you and me and wants to give us blessins every day and special blessing along the way. Don’t overlook a single one.
One special blessing we will have Sunday is the chance to have Thanksgiving dinner together. We never know how many Thanksgiving’s we are going to have so let’s make them all count. I am excited about sharing this with you and let me predict that you will leave full, happy and blessed. Now don’t make me a liar, be there and be ready to give as well as receive. This will be the last Sunday we will be at church for 2 weeks and we will miss you terribly but let me have the opportunity to see you before we leave. keep praying for others, keep loving without restrictions, keep forgiving without boundaries and do something good for the people around you. May God bless you and we speak blessing and victory on you and your family.
Pastor David & Pris