Well, Hallelujah we made it through the month of July but we still have some hot weather ahead of us so be careful and take care of yourself as we need you to continue to be part of our family. I hope you enjoyed last week as much as I did. The food was terrific, we owe a great deal to Mike and Cindy who cooked the brisket and to all of you who brought all that good food thanks so much for your help, lets do it again soon! The praise and worship time was terrific and I know many were blessed and we all got a chance to participate in the worship service. There was some healing that took place and I really felt the presence of the Holy Spirit. I hope you did too. Summitt really appreciated our providing lunch for them and they sure know how to show their appreciation. I hope if you were prayed for on Sunday you will continue to claim your healing and know that God is working in your life. Just continue to put him as the top priority in your life and you will be blessed.
I received word that Sammy had to go into the hospital on Tuesday and he is at Presbyterian hospital in Dallas. Be praying for him that his foot gets better very quickly. Don and Brenda became new grandparents this week as they have a new grandaughter named Addison. She was over 9 pounds and both she and her mom are doing well. What a great blessing God has bestowed on these two Young people and what a responsibility as well.
This weeks sermon is found in John 6: 1-14. This is a story everyone knows and it is told in all four of the Gospel’s but I want us to look at this week with the idea of what do we do when we are overwhelmed. This is something that is so common to all of us. We need to understand that we have to learn how to overcome the stress and struggles the world puts on us and learn to relax and trust God. This is so much easier said then done but if we ever learn to do this our lives will change dramatically. I hope you read this scripture this week and ask God to show you what you need to receive from his word. He is no trying to hide his truth from you he is excited about sharing all his blessings with his kids, and that is who we are. Sean will be back this week to share with us his praise in song and I am not sure if it will be just him or his whole group “consecration”, but I know you will be blessed.
Remember to keep praying for those brothers and sister that need our help and keep inviting people to join us every week at 2:30 . I will see you Sunday and remember to do something good for somebody this week and received the blessing God has for you. We love you
Pastor David & Pris