Hello faithful members of BBT. I really hope you are doing well. My family and myself suffered a big loss this week with the passing of my longtime friend Ronnie Havens. I had grown up with Ronnie and he had been one of my closest Friend since I was 5 years old. Ronnie had been in a rehab center and appeared to be doing better when he just slipped away on Tuesday. Ronnie introduced me to Priscilla and my kids and his kids grew up together and we are really hurting and grieving as I write this but I know the grieving is a byproduct of loving someone so I will gladly accept the grieving knowing that one day we will see him again,
I am sorry we did not get to post the prayer request this week as I did not write them down on Sunday, guess I have become too dependent on Larry and Linda. Thank God Linda is feeling better and will be at church on Sunday. If you were out sick last week know we prayed for you and I hope all of you are feeling better and will be able to be back at church on Sunday. This is week Summitt will be with us and i am looking for a blessing for each and everyone of you who are able to attend.
Please continue to be praying for our upcoming renovations on the church and with the addition we expect to be able to reach more people who need us. with that we may need to consider another van to help us pick up those who need a ride. I am asking a special prayer for Don and Brenda Potts. Don work is having difficulty in getting enough work and Don is concerned his job maybe coming to an end and he is very concerned about this. Our prayer is that God is going to meet his needs and he will not have to change anything in his commitment to Bartimaeus. We believe this because our God is a Good and Great God and he loves us very much. I hope you will remember that in your life as well.
Well how did your no complaint day go on Monday? If you found it more difficult than you thought join the club! It is something we need to pay attention to and it starts with just being aware of our attitude towards each other. I hope to hear how it went for you this week. I will see you Sunday as we praise and worship together and remember to do something good for somebody every day. We love you
Pastor David and Priscilla