Thanks as always to Pastor David for allowing me the privilege of speaking to you this Sunday. Here are some questions to ponder. Do you think you are blessed? If you know you are blessed, why do you think that is? Could God have a greater purpose for what He has given you? read Genesis 12:1-3. I look forward to seeing you on Sunday. We’ll talk about it.
Sunday March 22nd 2009
Hello faithful members of BBT! This has been a great month and it is only half over. Love it when a month has 5 Sundays. Last week I really enjoyed spending Sunday with you. I loved the fact we had a couple of visitors with us and I really enjoyed the Sunday School class and the testimony from Sarah. I was touched how God kept leading her back to us and what 2 beautiful girls her and Chuck have! I hope you enjoyed the birthday and anniversary party as well.
This week Summitt church will be back with us and I am anxious to see what God has for us. What a special group of people this group is. God is blessing them in their ministry and every time I talk to Joel I hear about the miracles they are seeing every week. God is really using them to get his word out to this lost and dying world, and we can be a small part of that just by the short time we get to worship with them. Be there Sunday and bring your Bibles and pen and paper to take notes.
Continue to be praying for those on our prayer list as we have many who really need our prayers right now. You can be reminded of those who need our prayers by going to Prayer room and reading the request. Also if you want to hear the Sunday School lesson, Testimony or the message last week you can do so by going to this website and clicking on audio from last week. I really appreciate how Larry has been able to do this for us and Linda for posting the prayer request each week. I am expecting all of us to be doing great things as we have a great God. Keep doing what you are doing. invite people to come with you on Sunday, keep praying and reading your bible, keep putting your faith into action and do something good for somebody because people are looking to us to set the example. We love you more than you know.
Pastor David and Priscilla
Sunday march 15th
Greetings faithful members of BBT I hope you are doing well and I hope you feel blessed. I certainly do! I enjoyed last week’s service and I appreciate Linda for providing the Sunday School lesson and Kim for sharing her testimony. I get inspired every week when I hear how God has blessed you and I hope you are sharing that with your family and friends. My hope is that others can look at us and see the Joy and Peace and Passion that is in our lives because we have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb.
This week Sarah is going to share her testimony with us. We need to be praying for her as she has really been suffering from a previous incision that has become infected and will not seem to heal. She will be going to the doctor on Thursday for day surgery on this so keep her in your prayers this week. My sermon this week is called when Christians disappoint and the scripture is Acts 5:1-11. This can be a very disturbing scripture but we need to see how we disappoint each other and how we disappoint God and we can also see that when we are doing something in the name of God that is not honest or we are trying to show others how great we are, we are not just lying to them according to this scripture we are lying to God. There is a heavy price to pay for that. I know all of us have been disappointed in someone before and that someone may have even been someone who you had placed your faith in as a good upstanding Christian, but as you all know you don’t need me to tell you this, but when we put our faith in a human being we are going to be disappointed but if we have our faith where it belongs we will not be disappointed and we will not be let down. Although we don’t want to put too much faith in our brothers and sisters we do need to be able to forgive others when they do disappoint us. I think one of the most powerful and healing things we can do is to help heal broken relationships. We are instructed in scripture to go to that person that has either offended us or may have been offended by us and make things right. We don’t wait for them to come to us we go to them!! I hope you will be praying about how we can stop being a disappointment to others but how we can lead others to the saving grace that God has for each and every one that will receive it.
Keep praying for those listed in our prayer request and if you need me to get a special prayer request out during the week call me and we will call and get other people praying for it as well. This month is already half over and next month we will have several special things in April. We have got the Picnic scheduled on April 4Th Chuck Kagel and his group will be there April 5Th and Easter is the 12Th. Don’t forget about celebrating the anniversary’s and birthdays this week and Summit church will be here the 22ND and Larry will be preaching on the 29Th. We are making advances towards the renovations on the church and our goal is by September 1st to be finished but we will need your prayers to make sure we get this done right and we can afford to do all the things that need to be done. Have a great week and I will see you on Sunday remember you are truly blessed and greatly favored. do something good for somebody this week and I will see you on Sunday. We love you
Pastor David & Pris
Sunday March 8 2009
Hello faithful BBT members, I hope you are having a great week and that you are recognizing the blessings God has provided for you.
I loved getting the chance to share my testimony with you last week and I feel like I have been blessed this week by getting to share with others this week what out church is all about. We met with 2 Architects this week about our renovations on the church and we got to share with them what we are all about. I hope you tell everyone you meet about us and continue to invite everyone to come and visit with us on Sundays.
This week Kim is going to give her testimony and no doubt will tell what great parents she has! No, Kim is a young lady that has seen some heartache but she knows that there is more trials still ahead of her but she has really learn to trust God to lead her and I know she will continue to grow in the Lord as we all will if we can just learn to trust our faith. Linda is going to teach the Sunday School this week and she is going to be talking about “finishing what we start “. I didn’t use to finish sentences, but now I. This weeks sermon is Titled ” The worlds worst bargin ” The scripture for this week is Mark 8: 31-38. Here Jesus is telling the disciples for the first time what is ahead of them and they can not accept it. Would you like to know what Tomorrow holds? If we did many people would be more grateful for today but in reality we would be scarred to death to know what lies ahead. What we do have to do is make good decisions today so we can face tommorrow with out regrets and fear, but we can anticipate the blessing God has for us. What are we selling our souls for? The answer is what is it that we give our attention, our love, our loyalty to. Hopefully we can say we have asked Christ to come into our lives and we have allowed him to take control of our souls.
I am looking forward to seeing all of you on Sunday and looking forward to meeting any quest that you may bring. Do something good for somebody this week because that is what separates us from everybody else.
Love you
Pastor David
Sunday March 1, 2009
I hope this message finds all of our BBT members feeling truly blessed & highly favored! You are whether you feel it or not. We had a great time last week and I appreciate Linda sharing with us her dream for Bartimaeus. Lets all grab hold of this dream and work very hard to reach the ones that need our help. I also appreciate Brenda Potts sharing her testimony with us. My how I love to hear people say this is where God wants me. I truly believe that is the absolute truth. I also want to think The Potts girls Sarah and Becky for the lovely shower for baby Cheyenne. I know Sarah and Chuck loved it!
Baby Cheyenne got to come home form the hospital on Tuesday and Mike & Cindy are helping take care of her. Mike and Cindy have been a great help to Chuck and Sarah over the past few weeks and we need to tell them how much we appreciate what they are doing.
I can not believe we have already hit March but the older I get the quicker time goes by. I hope we can take time to enjoy life and not just walk through it. It is the only life you will have here on Earth so make the most of it. As I was watching the Oscars Sunday night I saw what a value we put on winners. We are such a competitive society that we only seem to care about the ones who come in first, as I have said many times second place is just first loser. In our scripture this week we will look at another contest that is between to very good men Joseph and Matthias. The scripture is Acts 1: 15-26. These two men are the final two to replace the fallen disciple Judas. We will look at what we expect from life and is winning the most important thing in life? What do we value and what do we strive to be? I know what the world says but does what does the Bible say? We will look at this closely this Sunday. I hope you will be able to be in Church on Sunday and I hope you will invite someone to join you there.
Lets start the month off right by praying together sharing together. Lets be there for each other and continue to support this ministry. I hope you have remembered to pray for our prayer request everyday at 10:00 this week. I am anxious to see what God has done for you and your family because of the prayers of his People. Do something good for somebody this week and receive the blessing God has for you, I will see you on Sunday. We love you
Pastor David
Sunday February 22 2009
Hello faithful BBT members! I really appreciate your prayers this week. This is Wendsday and it is my first day out of bed since Saturday. I really missed church last week but I heard Summitt Church really ministered to the body. I know I felt your prayers. Hopefully I will be completely over this by Sunday.
This week Linda is going to present her new program that we are involved in during the Sunday School time, Brenda will be giving her testimony and I am going to finish up on the first chapter of Mark. The scripture this week is Mark 1: 40-45. Jesus wants to show us something on how to treat others in the way he treated this man also he wants to teach us how we need to depend on him for the things in life that mean something. I know many of you have felt at times that you been treated differently or unfairly, I think we all felt that way at some time or another. God has a plan to stop this and you are part of that plan. Make yourself available.
After the services we will be having a shower for baby Cheyenne. We will have some quest Sunday so lets make them welcome. The prayers from last Sunday are not listed in the prayer room but ask God to bless and heal those that were mentioned. If you have not given Cindy your information for the directory, please do so as she has worked hard on getting all this information together and has it assembled for us to print out. I hope to see you on Sunday because I really missed you. Do something good for somebody today and ask God to bless our ministry.
Love you
Pastor David
Sunday February 15th 2009
Hello faithful BBT members. I really enjoyed the service last week and I want to thank Richard and Preston for sharing their testimonies with us last week. I hope you are thinking about when you would like to share because so far no one is volentering. That’s OK I don’t mind asking!
If you have not noticed, Larry has been able to record our service and you can go on our website and listen to the testimonies from last week, and if you have a hard time sleeping at night you can listen to my sermon again. The way I can put John to sleep I ought to be anesthesiologist. You may not want to go and listen to service if you are able to be there but if you have to miss a service you can go back and listen to it later. My we are big time, next thing you know we will be broadcasting on TV.
Remember Summitt Church is going to be here this Sunday. Expect to be blessed and I hope you come Bible in hand and paper and pen to take notes. I don’t know what Joel is preaching on but I am sure you will be encouraged and blessed when you leave. Larry and Linda will be traveling to Arkansas this weekend so we are praying they have a great trip and a safe return. We will miss them on Sunday
On the last week of the month we are going to hear Linda share with us about her new program called Mission Accessible. She is very excited about what God is doing in her life and ours. After the service we will have a Baby Shower for Sarah and Chuck and little Cheyenne. Last week Don and Brenda had to leave early as they took Sarah and Chuck to the hospital with Cheyenne. She is doing fine and we want to continue to keep them in our prayers. We will also celebrate the Birthdays and Anniversary that week.
Keep praying for the renovations on the church as I grow impatient God has this all under control, lets trust him to do his part as we do our part. Ruth is back and the food bank will be open. She had a great time and has some photos to show us of her trip. I look forward to seeing you on Sunday and keep praying for those that need our help because God is blessing us every day. Do something good for somebody this week and remember to confess who you are because you are blessed and truly favored. We love you
Pastor David
Sunday February 8th 2009
Hello members of BBT. I hope you are having a great week. Remember to continue to proclaim who you are and speak it out loud. You are blessed and truly favored.
I received word this morning that Earl had fallen in his driveway on Tuesday and broke his hip. He had surgery on Wednesday and it appeared it went well. Since then they found he may have a aneurysm and he is not responding like they hoped he would. He is at Baylor Garland in room 465 and he needs our prayers as the doctor’s are very grim in their reports. Remember him every time you pray and lets ask God’s will to be done here.
This week’s message will pick up where we left off last week in Mark 1: 29-39. Here Jesus has just left the Synagogue where he had cast out demons and he and the disciples go back to Peter’s house and find his Mother in Law with fever. There is a lot of things we can learn from these passages. Here Jesus is going to proclaim why he came and what he was called to do. The reason Jesus came is the same reason we are here, so I think it is very important for us to understand these versus and how they apply to our lives. Read these versus and let me know what God is showing you through his word.
This week Richard has agreed to give his testimony and we also are expecting to have a guest in Church by the name of Preston Walker. Linda and Larry met him through our website and invited him to join us this week. He is going to share his testimony also. As a police officer in Fort Worth who is suffering from M. S. he has a great testimony how God is using him. Please be there Sunday and invite someone to come with you.
Summitt Church will be here next week on the 15Th a week early so make your plans to be here next week also. It is always exciting to see how God is using this great group of young men and women who are so excited about what God is doing in their life and ours.
Remember to go to the Prayer Room and pray for the request we listed last week and remember to especially being praying for Earl this week. I will try to keep you posted on any changes in his condition. Remember my family loves each and every one of you because after all you are family. Pray for Ruth this week as she leaves Friday for California to visit Cathy for the weekend, and we will see you Sunday. Do something good for somebody this week and God bless you.
Love you
Pastor David
Sunday February 1st 2009
Hello faithful BBT members. Looks like we made it through the wintry blast this week. I hope you were all safe and warm inside. Have no fear Sunday is going to be clear and sunny so there will be no excuse for missing church.
We had a great time last week and I saw God move in our church. There were relationships that were mended and I am claiming God’s healing power over my left eye. I can not see out of it yet but I am confident if it is God’s will that I will see out of this eye again HE will make it happen. As brother Joel explained to us we need to speak these things over ourselves and others and trust God to move through us.
Speaking of having positive thoughts I want every one in the Church to continue to pray for the renovations to the Church. My prayer is this will be finished by Easter but that is my time table may not be God’s. We are getting the plans finished up in February and hope to start the work in March. I am so excited about what we will be able to do with the extra space.
This week sermon is entitled ” A New Message”. I know a lot of you are saying it is about time. There is a story I love about a preacher’s little boy who asked “Daddy, I notice every Sunday morning when you first come out to preach, you sit up on the platform and bow your head. What are you doing?” The father explained, “I’m asking the Lord to give me a good sermon.” The little boy said, “Why don’t he?”. Well hopefully this week God has given me a message to present that will not only be new but good. The scripture for this week is in Mark 1 ; 21-28. This is just the beginning of Jesus ministries and, unlike me, he is astounding the congregation on his teachings. See what these versus show you this week and hopefully you will have something to share with us Sunday. I want you to look closely at the man with the demons and see what that has to do with you and me. Also ask yourself what was it about that Jesus that attracted people to his teachings.
If anyone has any ideas on what we can do to help our Church reach others with the good news we have for them please let me know. I am looking forward to seeing you on Sunday and having the chance to worship with you as a family, committed to being everything God wants us to be. Start by doing good things for the people you meet. Makes no difference if you know them are not just be kind, caring and loving and you will endear yourself to everyone you meet.
Love you
Pastor David
Sunday January25th
Hello faithful of BBT, I hope you are having a terrific week. I was so glad to see many who had been out for the last few weeks back in Church last week. We are continually praying for your recovery. I hope you will get on the Prayer Study page and continue to pray for those who are still out ill.
We had a great fellowship last week. We were encouraged by the lesson from Linda on her lesson out of the book of Habakkuk showing no matter what the circumstances God is still in control and we are to worship him in good times as well as bad. Pam gave her testimony this week and I know we were all moved by her dedication and Faith that she shows every day. We celebrated the Lord’s supper with all those present and afterwards we had a spaghetti diner that was wonderful. We owe a great deal of thanks to all who helped provide food and helped serve. We will try to do this at least every other month the Lord willing and the creek don’t rise.
This week Summitt Church will be “In the house”. Joel and his crew will be here to Praise the Lord and bring a message to us on what God has for us right now. Be like Phillip and invite someone to come with you this week ” Just come and see that’s all we ask.”
I have good news in regards to Mike Accidentiale. He has been released from the hospital and is doing well. He is still hurting a little but feels much better. Also by the time we meet on Sunday Sara & Chuck will have become new parents. Our prays go out to them that the delivery will go without a hitch and their new baby girl will be healthy and happy.
Have a great week, I will see you Sunday and do something good for somebody this week.
Love ya
Pastor David