Hello faithful members of BBT. I hope you were not stressed out this week with the filing of your Income Tax. I hope you all are getting money back. Sometimes it pays not to be rich! I know my tax bracket has seemed to spring a leak and I need a bucket instead of a bracket. Regardless of our finances this is a very tough time for this Nation and everyone seems to be seeing ” Red”. Unfortunately we as Christian’s are not excluded from this turbulent time. There is a new phrase going around now that I just heard about it is called I.C.S.. This is Irritable Christian Syndrome. Why is we as Christian’s seem to have less tolerance and more irritable than anyone else? There was actually a study done on this and I have a list of several reasons why this may be. What do you think? Is this a problem and if so what is causing it? We are going to be talking about this Sunday, be prepared to give me your thoughts. The Bible verse this week is very simple. 1 John 1:5.
I hoped you enjoyed the Easter service last week and I know we were all insired by the message from pastor Larry Thacker and the testimony form Larry Jr. I am looking forward to Pastor Larry Sr. coming back and visting again. I also enjoyed the dinner afterwards and judging from the amount of the little food left over you did too. We owe thanks to everyone who helped bring the food and all those who helped serve it.
Be sure and go to the prayer room and remember those needing our prayers and we don’t want to just pray and forget but to keep thanking God for answering our prayers. I hope to see you in Church on Sunday and even though the times are tough we can be the ones to bring the light to all the dark places in people’s lives. You can start by doing something Good for the people you meet this week and we will see you on Sunday. We love you!
Pastor David & Priscilla