Hello faithful BBT members. I really enjoyed the service last week and I want to thank Richard and Preston for sharing their testimonies with us last week. I hope you are thinking about when you would like to share because so far no one is volentering. That’s OK I don’t mind asking!
If you have not noticed, Larry has been able to record our service and you can go on our website and listen to the testimonies from last week, and if you have a hard time sleeping at night you can listen to my sermon again. The way I can put John to sleep I ought to be anesthesiologist. You may not want to go and listen to service if you are able to be there but if you have to miss a service you can go back and listen to it later. My we are big time, next thing you know we will be broadcasting on TV.
Remember Summitt Church is going to be here this Sunday. Expect to be blessed and I hope you come Bible in hand and paper and pen to take notes. I don’t know what Joel is preaching on but I am sure you will be encouraged and blessed when you leave. Larry and Linda will be traveling to Arkansas this weekend so we are praying they have a great trip and a safe return. We will miss them on Sunday
On the last week of the month we are going to hear Linda share with us about her new program called Mission Accessible. She is very excited about what God is doing in her life and ours. After the service we will have a Baby Shower for Sarah and Chuck and little Cheyenne. Last week Don and Brenda had to leave early as they took Sarah and Chuck to the hospital with Cheyenne. She is doing fine and we want to continue to keep them in our prayers. We will also celebrate the Birthdays and Anniversary that week.
Keep praying for the renovations on the church as I grow impatient God has this all under control, lets trust him to do his part as we do our part. Ruth is back and the food bank will be open. She had a great time and has some photos to show us of her trip. I look forward to seeing you on Sunday and keep praying for those that need our help because God is blessing us every day. Do something good for somebody this week and remember to confess who you are because you are blessed and truly favored. We love you
Pastor David