Greeting all you faithful members of BBT. I hope you are having a great week and I hope you had a great Thanksgiving. The older I get the more I learn to appreciate the time I have with family and friends. If I could pass any wisdom on to all our young people it would be to enjoy every minuet of every day and make the most out of the time you have with your family. Priscilla is in Tyler as her Dad is in the Hospital. She hopes to come back on Wednesday or Thursday depending on how well he does. Please add him to your prayer list.
This week the scripture is in Mark 1: 1-8. We are going talk about one of the greatest men of the Bible John The Baptist. What a close relationship he and Jesus had together from growing up together to when there ministries came together at the baptism of Jesus.
As you read these versus try to picture how John would be accepted today or would he be looked at like some kind of fanatic. The answer is he would be looked at today the same way he was looked at back then as a religious fanatic that was so eccentric he had to seen to be believed. But he was God’s man to carry out the job of “making the way of the Lord”. Guess what that is our calling also. Maybe we need to get a little more eccentric ourselves.
We have a lot of things going on this month but there is nothing more important then to remember what we are celebrating. I hope we all realize what a gift we have been given in the birth of Christ Jesus. We are the only religion that worships a God that came to earth as a baby and suffered all the things we suffer and died a horrible death only to rise again. We are truly blessed and we should be the most grateful people in the world. Why aren’t We?
I hope you are using the gifts God gave you this week. Because what you don’t use does not benefit you. I hope to see you on Sunday and always remember to do something good for somebody ever chance you get.
Love you
Pastor David