I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful weather over the past week. It really makes it nice to be able to get out and enjoy the beautiful world that God has made. Lets think about having a Picnic before it gets too cold.
I need to know from you if you are attending the Fair this year with us it will be Wednesday October 8. We will meet at the church and go from there. We always have a good time and come home wore out but it is a good kind of tired.
This week Summitt Church will be at Church and Brother Joel wants me to remind you to bring your bibles along with pen and paper. The title of his message is ” Experimenting with God “. He will be in 1 Samuel and 1 Kings. He says this is fresh word that we need to hear so be there so you can be blessed.
I visited Laurie again today and she is not improving, be sure and continue to keep her in your prayers every day. I hope you will go to the Prayer request section on this website everyday and Pray for those we have listed and if you have a new prayer request let me know and we will get it posted.
I hope you have a great week and I will see you on Sunday when we meet to experience what God has for us. Keep up the good work, do something good for somebody this week and remember Gods loves you and so do I.
Pastor David