MESSAGE FOR 11-16-08
The church was filled and overflowing for the funeral service for “Little David”, or should I say ” Young David”, Kilgore on Tuesday. There was family and friends that were their to support the family and pay their last respects to a young man that was tragically taken away from us. It is hard to understand why things like this happen and it is hard to try and carry on, but things do go on. Our prayers are with Cathey and Ruth as they try to make it through this very tough time as I know they are still grieving. That is because they loved David so much. It is when we love a lot we hurt a lot when tragedy comes but that is the way it is suppose to be. We cant be afraid to Love because we don’t want to get hurt. We cheat ourselves out of the relationships that make life bearable. Our prayers are with this family as we too love them very much.
This week sermon is found in the Matt 25:14-30. We are going to see what God expects us to do with what he has given us and we have been given plenty. I hope we will appreciate one another at this time of the year because we all need each other. We need each other ‘s talents each others support and we especially need each others love. I hope you will be able to be at church on Sunday and share with us what you have received, and share with us a great Thanksgiving dinner. Continue to talk to people about our church, invite them to come and continue to make good choices in your life. Start by doing something good for somebody this week, maybe somebody who would never expect you to do it. See you on Sunday!!!
Love you
Pastor David