I hope all of you enjoyed the experience on Sunday as much as I did. I know this may be a little different then what we are used to but we need to be receptive to what ever God has for us NOW not just in the future. God is good and his grace really does flow like a river. This week’s sermon we are going to continue to look at grace and how we really do have favor with God whether we realize it or not. The bible verse will be very familiar to you this week it is Matt 5: 38-48. I hope we will be able to see because we have favor with God we need to pass that grace on to others. It is a lesson you have been taught before but something we need to hear again.
Also this week Linda Thacker is going to share with us her testimony. Larry and Linda both have had a terrific influence on us in just the few months they have been part of us and I am so excited to hear her story and how God has worked in her life. I want to give others a chance to share their testimony as well as that is how we are going to be able to bring other people to the Lord by sharing what he has done for us. I hope you will make plans to be here on Sunday because you don’t want to miss any opportunity you have to be in God’s House because we never know how many chances we will have to worship together. As Laurie taught us don’t take things for granite because you will overlook many blessings and much joy if you don’t take time to enjoy even the little things in life.
I hope to see you on Sunday and I am looking forward to worshiping with you. May God bless you and remember to do something good for somebody this week, it will make your week go much better.
I love you,
Pastor David