Message for August 22 – The Choice To Rejoice
Again I want to thank Pastor David for the opportunity to share with you. It was good to see so many at church last Sunday. I hope you’ll all be back and bring some more with you. That’s what we’re supposed to be about. I think the Lord must be trying to tell us something since He gave me this message a week before Pastor David preached on a similar theme. Philippians 4:4 says, “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!” If the Lord, through Paul’s letter, is telling us to rejoice, then it must be something we can choose to do. Remember what we learned about the importance of things that get repeated in the Bible. Paul obviously considered this important because he said it twice. This Sunday we will look at what joy is, why we should rejoice, and some practical things to help us do it. I call them the four R’s of rejoicing. It will bring me great joy to see you there!