Message for December 12 – Name That Prophet
It would be hard to find many people living in the western world that aren’t at least somewhat familiar with the story of how Jesus came to spend His time with us. Though the actual facts of His birth may not be quite what our traditions portray, we’ve all seen the depictions of Mary and Joseph with the baby Jesus in the manger. What you may not know is that many of the facts of Jesus early life were foretold centuries before they happened by the prophets in the Old Testament. Every prophecy that covers events that have already occurred is completely accurate. What does that tell us about the ones yet to come? Who were these prophets? Join us this Sunday as we look at these men blessed by Yahweh to give His people the signs that pointed to Jesus the promised messiah. We’ll be reading from Matthew 1-2 and Luke 2.
If you’d like to see some more of the prophecies about Jesus that were fulfilled by His life, death, and resurrection, check out the link below. I don’t know anything about the organization behind this site and haven’t looked at any of the other material so this is not an endorsement of the site, but this page has a neat little summary of just some of the prophecies that were fulfilled by Jesus. The commentary is pretty good too.