Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from April 11, “All In One”
Much of the turmoil we have faced in America over the past few years seems rooted in racial conflict. I think much of that has been inflamed by people with agendas for which racial tension serves as a means to an end. We would heal much faster without the forces of darkness tearing at the wounds.
What is the response of the Christian? Should we in our pursuit of justice embrace worldly ideologies that have been coated with a thin veneer of scripture? I think those who choose that route will have to answer for it. We are all equally valued by our creator. We can marvel at the variety of His creation, but we should celebrate that which binds us together as one. We can celebrate that which is uniquely wonderful in each of us, while glorifying the God who loves all of us.
Our scripture focus will be Galatians 3:28. Here, Paul goes through some of the class and race divisions of his day and sets them all aside. We are all one in Christ. I usually do not like to focus on one verse to the exclusion of its context. I will cover the context briefly, but in light of the current circumstance I think it will be helpful to examine this verse in detail.