Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from April 19, “Why Do You Stand Looking Into the Sky?”
In Acts 1:6-11, Luke gives us an account of what happened just as Jesus was taken up into Heaven. Imagine being one of the disciples on that day. You’ve already seen so many amazing Miracles that you can’t remember them all, and most amazing of all is the man you know was tortured and crucified just over 40 days ago is standing in front of you. There’s no doubt anymore of who He is. You think you understand it all now, and wonder if now is the time for Him to finish what He started and restore your nation, something you’ve hoped for all your life.
But not so fast! When asked, Jesus says in effect, “none of your business.” “There’s more for you to do, and I’m going to give you the power through the Holy Spirit to do it.” Then, up He goes! We’re told that the disciples stood there looking into the sky. no doubt they were awestruck at what they had just seen, but I think they might have been wondering, “What now?” Their leader has been taken from them. The Holy Spirit is coming, but they don’t yet understand what that means. So, there they stand, staring up at the point where they last saw him disappear into a cloud. How long that lasted we don’t know, but it would seen not long before the angels made an appearance. They had just one question, “why do you stand looking into the sky?” Jesus already promised He would be back. Meanwhile, the disciples had a mission to complete.
When things get tough, we have a tendency to look back longingly at the way things used to be. When something is lost that we think we can’t live without, we can focus on that thing to the exclusion of all others, missing out on the life still going on around us. Now I get that this is not a very good analogy when it comes to Jesus. After all, we really can’t live without him, and we don’t have to. We have the Holy Spirit. But God was doing something bigger than they could ever have imagined, and Jesus’s temporary departure was part of the plan. I’m sure I’d be right there with them. After all, they were in the presence of the risen Lord! They had given up everything to follow Him. He had been their teacher and their friend. This had to be a difficult transition for them. So God sent the angels to remind them that He would be back and to prod them on to the next phase of His grand plan. They obeyed, they prayed, the Holy Spirit came, and the world was changed forever!
All of us right now can probably look back on times that seemed better. We had our health. WE had more money. Our loved ones were still with us. Our relationship with god seemed stronger. We could buy toilet paper. But let’s not stand here staring off at what once was. Let us instead embrace what is. Let us continue to seek the Lord, learn to hear His voice, and do what He has told us. I believe that great revival is possible, if we His people will only humble ourselves and pray, turn from our sins, and seek His face.