Message by Larry Thacker Jr from April 28, “Feed My Sheep”
We have come to the last chapter in our study of John’s Gospel. I hope and pray that you have gained a greater understanding of who Jesus is. Chapter 21 almost seems like a post script. John has just given us the reason that he wrote the book, and that would seem to be a good place to stop, but he keeps going. He gives us one more story, and Peter seems to be its focus. The narrative serves, among other things, to leave no doubt about peter’s relationship with Jesus after his denials and to show all of us one more time the character, power, and purpose of Jesus.
Most noteworthy is the conversation that takes place between Jesus and Peter in verses 15-20. Sadly, most English translations of this exchange conceal an important detail because we have only one word for love. The Greek language has four, and two of them are used here. In verses 15-16, what Jesus says is recorded as agapaō. Peter’s reply contains the word phileo. Agapaō is the stronger word. It is the word we find throughout the New Testament in reference to God’s love for us, our love for Him, and our love for each other. It is the kind of love that put Jesus on that cross. Peter, formally bold and brash, now humbly refuses to profess for His Lord a love which he has proven that he does not yet have.
So, in verse 17, Jesus switches to Peter’s word, and Peter is grieved by the change as well as the repetition. But we should notice something else. Jesus’ commission remains essentially the same each time, though his wording varies, “Tend My sheep.” Peter would go on to do Just that, leading the first church, performing miracles in Jesus’ name, and eventually following Him to the cross as well. I think it is safe to say that Peter did find his agapaō.
Hear Jesus’ message to Peter. Give him all you have, and it will be enough. If He is your Lord, you have been chosen. He is aware of your shortcomings, and he still has a job for you. It’s easy to become discouraged and fall back into our old ways, but His is the better way. Follow Him!