Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from April 30, “Unless You Believe”
We continue our study of the Gospel of John with Chapter 8, verses 21-30. I read this as a separate conversation from the one that takes place in verses 12-20, but it’s all connected. John continues his revelation of who Jesus is using Jesus’ own words. He strengthens many of the themes we’ve already explored, but if I had to choose the strongest message from this passage, it would be this from verse 24, “unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins.” The word “he” here is added because in English the sentence would seem incomplete without it, but what Jesus really said here was “unless you believe that I am.” He is not only laying claim to the role of the promised messiah. He is taking the name of the Great I AM. Unless we will believe, we will die in our sin. The word in verse 21 where Jesus uses similar language is singular. The one sin that will most certainly lead to death is disbelief in the person, power, and true nature of Jesus.
One of the things I hope we gain as we study this gospel is a sense of urgency. Jesus is the only way. Those who do not find him face eternal damnation. We have the answer. Let us not be silent!