Message by Larry Thacker Jr from April 7, “When He Calls Your Name”
It is said that we should celebrate the resurrection all year long. I completely agree, and for the next few weeks, Lord willing, we will continue to learn from the events following that momentous occasion as chronicled by the Gospel according to John. Last week, we considered the significance of the empty grave and the empty grave clothes. Now, we continue with John 20:11-18, where Mary Magdalene returns to the tomb and is the first to meet the risen Lord.
Mary didn’t hear the first proclamation of the angel that morning when the women first came to the tomb. We know this because she remains convinced that someone has taken his body out of it. She had apparently already run to tell Peter and John that it was missing. So, now we find her weeping at the entrance of the tomb.
It seems she was so stricken with grief that she did not even react as most people did when coming into contact with angels. Not even when she saw Jesus Himself did she recognize him, until He spoke her name. Mary’s devotion and her response upon recognizing her Lord is an example to all of us. Maybe that is one reason she was given the honor of being the first to see Him alive. Have you heard Jesus calling your name? How will you respond