Message by Larry Thacker Jr from August 11, “I Can Do All Things”
Some things we think we just can’t do, but when our source is the power that created the universe, is there ever room for “I can’t?” Maybe, but not when it comes to doing what He wants you to do, whether it involves something He’s given you specifically or simply doing what is right.
Let’s take a closer look at a passage that contains one of our favorite verses, Philippians 4:11-13. Verse 13 is the one we all know. I’ve included the others to provide some context. The context is key to our understanding. Paul’s letter to the Philippians contains some very useful advice for changing the way we think so that through the power of God, “I can’t” becomes “I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.” I do feel the need to point out that I am focusing very narrowly on some helpful concepts in this text and not attempting to fully explain the primary lines of thought in this letter. For that, we will need to begin at the beginning and make a careful study, which we may do at some future date.