Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from August 29, “The Gospel of the Kingdom”
Church goers should all be familiar with the term, gospel. We apply it to the four accounts of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus and also to the message they convey. That message in brief is that He is God’s son, born of a virgin. He lived a sinless life and was crucified to atone for our sins. He has given us the gift of eternal life that we could not earn for ourselves. All we need to do is turn from our sins and choose Him as lord.
But is there more to the gospel message? This is certainly enough, but if we stop there, we will not experience the full impact of what Jesus did and taught. Think about all that He had to say about the kingdom of God. That is why I think that the phrase, “the gospel of the kingdom,” conveys an important truth that we should not miss. We readily embrace the salvation message, but Jesus taught us so much more, and it is all “good news!” We are called to preach the gospel; ALL OF IT! (Matthew 9:35-38)