Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from August 30, “What is Your Platform?”
One of the things that happens at political conventions is the construction of the party platform. This is a document that outlines the core positions of each party. Anyone running for office under the banner of that party is thereby making a statement that he or she is in agreement with the platform. That is why it’s important to be familiar with these documents before you go to the polls. Yes, that oversimplifies things a bit, but it is a very useful starting point.
But there’s another question that we need to answer first. What is your platform? On what foundation do you stand? What forms the basis for the decisions you make? Is your life built upon the rock of God’s word, or the shifting sands of worldly philosophy, the word of a talking head, or whatever is hot this week? The storms are going to come. I think our nation is on the edge of a big one that will make Hurricane Laura a footnote. Are we ready? Is the church ready?