Message by Larry Thacker Jr from December 15, “Questioning God”
The Gospel of Luke gives us two accounts of angelic visitations in the first chapter. The first is to Zacharias, a priest serving in the temple. The second is to Mary, a young lady engaged to be married who learns she’s about to be pregnant! Both receive news of a miracle, but their responses differ in one very important detail. They both ask questions, but one asks from doubt, the other from faith.
Few if any of us can expect a visit from an angel, but we are confronted with the same choice that Zacharias and Mary had. Will we choose to believe God even when what He says doesn’t seem possible, or will we question him in doubt. Mary’s question was one of faith and of curiosity. In other words, “How are You going to do that?” Zacharias’ question was one of skepticism, “prove to me that You can do that.” We all have questions, and that’s OK. Let them be questions from faith and not from doubt.