Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from December 20, “When God was born”
We love this season. As Christians we know that there is no Christmas without Christ, but there are no words to adequately capture the significance of what happened that day. Jesus described Himself as the beginning and the end. He was and is and is to come. He and the Father are one. In short, Jesus is God. And yet, Jesus is man. Jesus took on flesh and was born just like the rest of us. The almighty, infinite personality that created the universe, came to us in human form and was born! It is critical that we understand this and that we are able to share it with those who do not know Him. For those likely to be hearing me, I won’t be telling you anything you don’t already believe, but I hope that by bringing the evidence of scripture to the forefront of your mind this Christmas, you’ll be ready and able to give an answer for the hope that is within you. We’ll begin from Matthew 1:22-23.
If you happen upon this podcast (I don’t think it was accidental) and haven’t heard the story behind all the holiday activity around you, this will be a starting place. If you want to know more, contact us and we’ll be happy to talk with you. You’ll also find it helpful to read Luke 2:1-14.