Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from December 27, “Never Changing, Ever New”
We read from Isaiah 43:15-19. This is part of Isaiah’s prophetic message to the nation of Israel. Recurring themes are Israel’s determination to sin and Yahweh’s determination to redeem. He alludes to their past and then presents to them a future in which they will once again be judged and once again be redeemed. But He says in other words, “don’t expect me to do it the same way.”
As we look through the scripture, we can see that this is the way God works. We cannot put Him into a box or explain Him with a formula. The Bible does not present us with a set of rituals, actions, or incantations to which God must respond in predictable ways, though some have tried to treat it that way. God is infinite and infinitely creative. His nature never changes, but His methods will always surprise. We can look to the past to teach us about God’s nature, but when we look to the future, we should be ready for Him to do something new!