Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from December 8: You Deserve IT!
What exactly is it that we deserve? Theologians, politicians, philosophers and advertisers all tell us what they think we deserve, or at least what they want us to think we deserve. Church people know the approved answer. It could be summed up with Romans 6:23. But if we’re honest we could all make a list of the things we think we are entitled to have. The substance of this message is pretty basic. People who have been in church a while should have heard it many times before, but does knowing it change the way we think and act day to day? For most of us the problem isn’t really in being able to distinguish right from privilege, but in the attitude of our hearts. The question isn’t really about what we deserve. It is about who we will serve. When we serve ourselves, we are concerned with what we deserve. When we serve God, we are concerned with what He deserves.