Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from February 19, “I Am; Do Not Be Afraid”
We’ve been studying the book of John. This week’s text is John 6:15-21. Jesus has just finished feeding over 5,000 people with a kid’s lunch, and has sent the disciples ahead of him while He dismisses the crowds. We learn these details by combining the accounts of that event from all the Gospel writers. Jesus has gone up onto a mountain to pray, and the disciples have started out across the lake when the wind kicks up. Jesus, seeing their peril, comes to them walking on the waves. Understandably, they are terrified, thinking they see a ghost. From Matthew and Mark we learn a few more details about what happened that night, but John gives us only the basics, except for one thing the others don’t mention. As soon as He got into the boat, they were immediately at their destination. It would seem there were two miracles that night. John is focused on the revelation of Jesus and illustrates His command over nature. We might summarize with this quote, which might be translated, ““I am; do not be afraid.”