Message by Larry Thacker Jr from February 25, “What Is Truth?”
The message this week will be from John 18:28-40. I usually don’t repeat myself in so short a timeframe, but the passage happens to overlap with a message from last year. It never hurts to reenforce the truth. And the truth is exactly what we are going to focus on in this passage. Jesus has been arrested and falsely convicted by the religious leaders in Jerusalem, and they want him executed. Under Roman rule, they cannot do it themselves, so they take him to Pilate, the governor of the region. Pilate can find nothing against Him, but bows to the pressure and issues the execution order. So, Jesus is crucified, as He and the Old Testament prophets said He would be.
As Pilate interrogated Jesus, he asked a question that we are still asking today. “What is truth?” Some of us really want to know. Others wish to obscure the truth that they do know because they find it unacceptable. Others claim that there is no such thing, or that it varies according to ones own belief. For truth to have any meaning at all, it must be absolute. There are many things about which we do not know the truth, but that does not mean that the truth is unknowable or absent. The Truth stood before Pilate that day, and he chose to deny Him. Let us not make the same mistake