Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from February 6, “Talent Show”
In this episode we’ll pick up with our study of Jesus’ references to the kingdom of Heaven. A couple of weeks ago we covered the parable of the ten virgins at the beginning of Matthew 25. Jesus is still speaking when we come to the well-known parable of the talents starting in verse 14. He continues to expand the themes of readiness and diligence, and He reinforces the “long time” before the master comes. When he gives a similar parable recorded by Luke (Ch. 19) we are told it is in response to those who thought the Kingdom was to be established in an earthly sense immediately. A few years back we looked at the parable in Luke. This week we will focus on the one in Matthew, which has some differences but a similar message.
I’m disappointed to report that the previous installment is not available online due to some technical difficulties.
![Bartimaeus Baptist Temple Church members on the lawn with lift-equipped van and building in background](